Remote Teaching to Online Learning Online Learning


Remote Teaching to Online Learning

Remote Teaching Was Fine During The Pandemic, But Experts Say Fully Developed Courses Are Necessary For Online Learning.

Your program or department has hundreds, maybe even thousands of recorded lectures from the shift to emergency remote teaching due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Now, what can you do to incorporate those lectures into a fully developed online course?


To be fully developed online learning, video lectures need announcements, assignments, guided group discussions, and accessible documents, such as transcripts of lectures.  Also needed are learning objectives and outcomes, as well as projects and assessments. Let Focus EduVation be your course development partner.


How It Works.





Online Faulty Staffing Services
Virtual Teaching Assistants
Instructional Design Services
Course Design And Development
Workforce Development
Accessibility Support
Tech Support
Remote Teaching To Online Learning
Simulations And Virtual Labs
Faculty Support And Professional Development