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What Resources Are Available for Online Education and Student Support?

Online learning is a great way to get an education at an affordable cost and on your own time. Yet, some may be hesitant to take a fully online program, especially if they are unfamiliar with the structure of the program. Some students may be skeptical about not having additional classroom support and the social interaction aspect. They are concerned they may not have as many resources available to them as they would with an in-person program. 

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, online programs have become more popular and are likely to remain a large part of education due to their convenience. Here are some resources that are often offered to fully online students so they can succeed in their program: 

Digital and e-books within an online library

Some students are unsure if they should spend the money on an expensive textbook now that e-books and digital copies are now widely available. Digital books are becoming more common due to the fact they are often cheaper than an actual book and take up less space on your desk. Digital textbooks and e-books are also easily accessible once purchased online. 

Asynchronous classes to reduce conflicting schedules

One of the largest benefits of online learning is asynchronous classes. This means you do not need to attend a class at the same time every day or every other day- even online! Classes do not have a specific time when students need to be present online or log in, making their weekly schedules super convenient and flexible. This allows students to feel less stressed and have more time for other daily obligations, such as working. 

Discussion boards with other students and professors 

A main concern among students making the switch to fully online is not having the option to interact in person with peers and the ability to speak with instructors. Discussion boards are often used in online programs to promote relevant discussions among students in the same program but to also offer communication and support to each other. Instructors are also generally very accessible through email and learning management systems. 

Video call options for additional academic support

If students are still looking for a face-to-face connection, video calls such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams are a great way to communicate without having to go on campus. Not only can instructors use this method to teach, but they can also form study groups. If students enroll in a non-instructor-led program, helpful videos are often still provided as an additional resource. 

Are you considering an online program but you’re not sure where to begin?

If you have considered taking a program fully online but aren’t sure if it’s the right fit for you, certificate programs are a great place to start. They are very affordable and can be completed in just weeks to months. This creates much less time and financial risk than a degree program and can help you get the skills you need. Check out the fully online certificate options now with Focus EduSolutions

                                                   Begin Your Journey


FES (2023). Revolutionizing Workforce Readiness. Focus EduSolutions. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from


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